Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Logjam busted wide open!!!

After not doing squat last year, I think I'm in for a change. My Shark 402 has been languishing for over a year (more like 2???), but last Friday I took it to a friend's house, and in about 5 minutes he helped me get the wing glued in straight - something I'd been trying to figure out "how" to do for almost 2 years now. Also told me how to get the fixed flaps put on straight, so I did that yesterday. It's almost starting to look like an airplane. Also got the stab/elevator hinged (what took me so long???)
All this activity got me going on my Brodak A6M Zero - wing is now partially sheeted, landing gear blocks are in place, even started building the fuselage - but that is a story for a different day. Also got a lot of work done on a 1/2A Skyray and will soon have a Babe Bee to put on it.
I've gotten more done in the last 5 days than I did in the last 2 years. Hope I can keep up the pace. If so, should be a good year for learning (finally) to fly control line. Hope to post pics soon. If not here, then at so check soon.
