Saturday, December 20, 2008

A whole year went by???!!!

Almost a whole year has gone by. No posts here, even worse, no flying. In fact, I don't even have an airplane that can get in the air without at least a little work. OK, it's been a busy year. Got my older son through high school and started in college. Younger son turned 3 this year and is requiring a lot more attention. Lots of stuff going on at work, and I was doing a final push into real estate, which didn't work out. OK though, enough whining... To paraphrase a saying I heard (or read?) somewhere, Today is the first day of the rest of my building and flying.
Next year should be better for flying. I've started to get rid of stuff that I don't need (and probably didn't even really want when I bought) and that process continues. I've also realized that having too many projects going at once is a really stupid idea, so I am picking one project at a time to finish, and no new projects will be started until all my current ones are finished, no matter what.
I'm also quitting real estate, which will take away of lot of pressure and free up a ton of time. My wife is loving me now, I've quit drinking, things are getting under control at work, and I've found some resources to help our older son. In short, I should have some time to build and fly again in the coming year.
Today starts a 2 week vacation for me, I'm hoping to get a jump start on the next year's modeling. First order of business is to continue selling my excess stuff. Second is to get my (2nd) Skyray back in the air. Then I've got at least 5 airplanes in various stages of unfinished-ness to get done. I won't even try to get to all of them, but I will finish one and pick an order to complete the rest in.
Besides that, I hope to keep my Control Line web site ( updated on a regular basis, as well as journaling my flying experiences here.

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